
for Starfinder 2E

Welcome to Hephaistos for Starfinder 2E, or Hephaistos 2E for short. Like the website for first edition, this version of Hephaistos has been built from the ground up to support Starfinder 2E.

As with the game itself, Hephaistos 2E is under active development, so you may find missing or broken features. The website also only contains data from the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook, with some bits and pieces from Pathfinder Player Core.

Finally, since the game itself is in a state of flux, characters cannot be saved at the moment. However, you can print a character sheet and download a Pathmuncher-compatible JSON file for any characters you create.

Detailed information about the state of the website can be found on the roadmap page.

Preview Character Creation

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